

Article I – Name

The name of the organization shall be “Lake Creek Shooting Club”, or abbreviated to “LCSC,” and herein referred to as the Club.

Article II – Purpose

1. Maintain an association of people with common interest in shooting sports.

2. Maintain an affiliation with the National Rifle Association (NRA).

3. Protect and defend the inalienable rights of the individual American citizen guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.

4. Promote public safety, civil order, and the National Defense.

5. Train citizens in the safe handling and efficient use of small arms.

6. Foster and promote the shooting sports.

7. Promote hunter safety, and promote and defend hunting as a viable and necessary method of fostering the conservation and wise use of renewable wildlife resources.

8. Promote youth and new shooter firearm safety and training.

Article III – Membership

Section 1 – Eligibility

a.) Any citizen of the United States who is 18 years or older and subscribes to the purpose of this Club shall be eligible to be a member of this Club. Applicant must be a member of the NRA.

b.) A membership consist of a member and their household.

Section 2 – Admission to Membership

a.) Procedures for admission shall be determined by the executive committee and ratified by the majority of the membership present at a special or regular meeting. Current procedures are: Fill out an application and submit it in person or via company mail to the treasurer along with the appropriate dues payment. A liability release and background consent form must be witnessed/signed and submitted or a copy of their CHL be given in place of back ground consent A copy of their NRA Membership card must be submitted as part of the application. The completion of the orientation will be necessary before admission is granted.

Section 3 – Dues and Fees

a.) A change in dues and fees and renewal dues shall be determined by the executive committee and ratified by majority vote of the membership present at a special or regular meeting.

b.) Annual renewal dues shall be payable upon the expiration date of the member’s annual membership.

c.)The Club dues run from January 1 to December 31st of each year.

d.) An existing member has until January 31st to pay dues or be considered dropped by the Club.
Section 4 – Privileges, Rights and Duties of membership

a.) All members:

1. After the payment of dues and the completion of the orientation, they shall be issued an appropriate card as evidence of membership.

2. Shall have the privilege to compete in matches conducted by the Club. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied at all times by a parent/guardian who is a Club member. During special shooting events they may be accompanied by a certified instructor.

3. Shall have the right to vote in Club elections and other matters properly brought before the club.

4. Shall have the duty to uphold Club rules and regulations.

5. Shall have the right to use Club facilities and equipment subject to Club rules governing such use.
Section 5 – Termination or Forfeiture of membership

a.) Any individual may terminate membership at any time in writing to the secretary of the Club. Any member who terminates membership automatically forfeits any paid Club dues.

b.) Any member that has not paid his dues in full by January 31st will automatically be dropped from the roll and thereupon forfeit all rights and privileges of membership.

c.) Any officer may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the members in good standing present at any special meeting called for this purpose. No vote on suspension or removal may be taken unless at least fifteen days notice in writing shall have been given to the officer of the reasons for his removal and of the time and place of the special meeting at which such ballot on his removal is to be taken. At such special meeting the officer shall be given a full hearing.

d.) Any member may be suspended or expelled from the club for any cause deemed sufficient by the executive committee by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the members of the executive committee present at any regular or special meeting. No vote on suspension or expulsion may be taken unless at least fifteen days notice in writing shall have been given to the member of the charges preferred and of the time and place of the meeting of the executive committee at which such charges will be considered. At such meeting the member under charges will be accorded a full hearing.

e.) Any member in good standing may prefer charges against any officer or member. Charges shall be in writing clearly stating the facts relied upon and accompanied by all affidavits or exhibits which are to be used in their support. Such charges shall be filed with any club officer, who shall immediately notify the other members of the executive committee. The president shall call a meeting of the executive committee to hear the charges. The president shall give at least fifteen days notice of the meeting to each member of the executive committee and to the accuser and to the accused, which notice shall be in writing and shall include a true copy of the charges and of the supporting affidavits and exhibits.

f.) Any member suspended or expelled by the executive committee may appeal to the full membership of the club. Such appeal shall be made in writing to the secretary who shall notify the president. The president shall call a special meeting of the club for the purpose of acting on the appeal. The president shall give at least fifteen days notice in writing to all members of the club in good standing stating the date, time, place and reason for such special meeting. At the meeting of the full club the secretary treasurer shall read the original charges, the supporting affidavits, and shall read or display the accompanying exhibits, and shall read the minutes of the special meeting of the executive committee at which the charges were heard and action taken. A full hearing shall be given to the accuser and the accused. A vote shall be taken by ballot of the members in good standing present and a two-thirds vote shall be required to reverse the action of the executive committee.


Article IV – Financial transactions and obligations

Section 1 – Club expenditures

Expenditures of Club funds shall be governed by the following procedures:

a.) All checks and other obligations of this Club must be signed by any two

(2) of the following club officers: president, vice-president, secretary or treasurer.

b.) The treasurer shall make expenditures specifically approved by a majority vote of the Club membership present at a regular or special meeting.

c.) The treasurer shall make emergency expenditures as are approved by the executive committee. Emergency expenditures are expenditures required for continued operation of the Club between special or regular meetings. Approval shall require a majority vote of the executive committee. Any Club member may present a request for an expenditure to a member of the executive committee for consideration by the executive committee.

d.) The treasurer may purchase postage stamps, stationery, and other supplies for any amount less than $100.00 total between regular meetings.

e.) The treasurer may pay such monies to the activities director and/or event organizer as are required to hold a club event. Acceptable expenses include but are not limited to: participant incentives/prizes/reimbursements, range rental/range use fees, and materials (targets, posters, timer batteries, paint for steel targets, etc.). An itemized list of expenses shall be submitted to the executive committee for majority approval prior to the payout.

f.) The treasurer shall keep a true and accurate record of income and expenditures of the Club. The treasurer shall present a detail report of the previous month at the monthly meeting. The treasurer’s statement shall be available for examination by all Club members at regular meetings. Within 30 days of the end of each quarter, the treasurer will submit a financial statement on the activities of that quarter to the Club. Each fiscal year, during the month of December, the treasurer shall compile a financial statement on the activities of the previous year. The executive committee shall verify the financial statement. The financial statement shall be available for examination by all Club members at regular meetings.


Article V – Meetings

a.) All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules.

b.) Regular meetings of the Club shall be held the first Thursday of the month except December. The October meeting shall be for the purpose of nomination of officers, the November meeting shall be for election of officers. Notice of the time and place of the meeting shall be given to all members in good standing not less than seven (7) days, if possible, prior to date fixed for holding of the meeting. The executive committee shall be responsible for establishing the place and time for meetings and notifying all members. Incoming officers shall take office at the first regular meeting in January.

c.) Special meetings. A special meeting of the Club may be held at any time upon the call of the president, executive committee, or upon demand in writing by any member, stating the object of the meeting and signed by not less than 20% of the membership. Notice of the time, place and object of the meeting shall be given to all members in good standing not less than seven (7) days, if possible, prior to date fixed for holding of the meeting. The executive committee shall be responsible for establishing the place and time for meetings and notifying all members.

d.) Quorum. A quorum of a regular or special meeting shall consist of at least 50% of the executive committee and at least five (5) other members of the Club in attendance at that meeting.

e.) The following order will be observed to determine who will preside over a regular or special meeting: 1. President 2. Vice-President 3. Secretary 4. Treasurer.

f.) If a scheduled meeting has not been called to order by a member of the executive committee and a quorum is not present within 30 minutes of the scheduled starting time, the meeting is automatically canceled.


Article VI – Officers

a.) The officers of this Club shall be a President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, Safety coordinator, Public relations officer Director who, when acting together, shall constitute the executive committee. The initial terms for the President and Vice-president will be 3 years, the Secretary and Treasurer will be 2 years and remaining officers will be one year. When new directors are elected, they will serve a 3 year term. New directors will be elected by the majority vote of the members in good standing present at the November meeting of the Club. The executive committee will then have the election of officers at the first meeting in January.

b.) The executive committee shall have general supervision and control of all the Club activities.

c.) Meetings of the executive committee shall be held at such time and place and in such fashion as the executive committee may determine. Special meetings of the executive committee may be held at any time on call of the president or on demand by two members of the executive committee.

d.) Four members of the executive committee shall constitute a quorum of the executive committee.

e.) Resignation of any officer may be accepted by a majority vote of the remaining members of the executive committee.

f.) A vacancy in the executive committee shall be filled by nominations at the next regular or special Club meeting with elections to be held at the following regular or special Club meeting.

g.) The executive committee has the authority to appoint an interim officer to perform the specific duties of the appointed office until that office can be filled by an election.


Article VII – Duties of the Officers

a.) President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and of the executive committee as defined by Robert’s rules. He shall be a member ex officio of all regular and special committees, and shall perform all such duties as usually pertain to his office. The president shall appoint standing or special committees as may be required by the bylaws or as he may find necessary.

b.) Vice-president. The Vice-president shall perform the duties of the president in his absence or at his request, and shall perform other duties as assigned by the president.

c.) Secretary. The Secretary shall conduct all official correspondence pertaining to the Club and shall maintain a complete record of all correspondence and transactions. He shall keep a true record of all meetings of the executive committee and Club. He shall have custody of the books and papers pertaining to the Club.

d.) Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be responsible for collection of dues, paying of bills, and preparing a detailed accurate account of all funds of the Club and place same in such financial institution(s) approved by the executive committee.

e.) Safety Cordinator. The Safety Cordinator works to ensure that all safety measures are provided and taken to help to insure the safety of all who are present at the shooting range.

f.) Public Relations Officer. The Public Relations officer will responsible for relaying information to the public and members of all upcoming events and meetings through local papers and internet Web page.

g.) Director. The Director will be responsible for informing the public and members of upcoming events and meetings by means of Facebook. They will be responsible for the updating of Facebook page when necessary.

h.) All Club officers are required to attend all meetings and appointed committees. If an officer misses three consecutive meetings without reasonable cause, that officer will be removed from office and nominations for that office will be taken at the next regular or special meeting.


Article VIII – Amendments

Any proposed amendments to these by-laws may be introduced by any member of the club at any regular meeting or special meeting called for this purpose. Such proposed amendments must be acted upon by the club membership at a regular meeting or special meeting called for this purpose. A two-thirds vote of the members present will be necessary to pass or reject it. A proposed change in the Rules and Regulations may be introduced at any monthly or special meeting and be changed with a two-thirds vote of members present.
I hereby certify that these by-laws have been adopted by the Lake Creek Shooting Club as of February 23, 2016.
Jimmie Cooke


Mark Reed

Vice President

Winston Stephenson


Pam Reed
